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TAG PUNCHED | Alabama Public Land 8 Point

Southern Ground – September 5, 2020

Best Kayaks for Bowhunting

Brodie Swisher of – August 20, 2020

Kayak Feature | Fishing Kayaks | Canoe Fishing | Nucanoe

Deer hunters across the country are discovering the benefits of hunting from a kayak. The ability to access low-pressure properties and get away from the crowds makes these little vessels hard to beat.

But the question always comes up, “What kind of kayak do I need for hunting?”  READ MORE!

Parker’s Giant Buck with a Bow | Kayak Hunting

Southern Ground – August 12, 2020

5 Tips for Hunting from a Kayak

Parker McDonald of Southern Ground Hunting – July 29, 2020

Tipskayak | Fishing Kayaks | Canoe Fishing | Nucanoe

When I first started using a kayak to hunt, there was practically zero information online about it. I searched and searched, and often came up empty handed with the exception of a few duck hunting articles. It made it very difficult to prepare for my first season of kayak hunting when there weren’t really any experts offering advice. For me, everything was learned solely by experience in the field, or I guess… on the water. These days it seems there’s been an uptick in interest. A few “die hards” have learned that this is an incredibly effective way to get to unpressured areas, and it’s peaked the interest of people across the country. Luckily, new kayak hunters now have a fair amount of content to consume to help them get into the game of hunting with a kayak…READ  MORE!

My New Hunting Kayak | NuCanoe Frontier 12

Southern Ground – July 6, 2020

Connect with Other Kayak Hunters

Hunting RIVER BOTTOM Turkeys from KAYAKS

Seek One – May 21, 2020

NuCanoe Waterfowl – Fuzzy Red Slippers

November 23, 2016


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