Team NU – We appreciate your support of our brand and our Dealers at Shows & Events!  Here are a few tips to get your prepared and help make your shows & events a success!


  • Bring your passion and enthusiasm…for fishing, kayak fishing, and NuCanoe! It is contagious and will get people excited and draw them in.
  • Share your personal experience…its far more impactful to hear about how someone uses a product, what they can do, what they like, then to hear about specs and features.
  • Make the NuCanoe display look great…ensure seats and accessories are installed properly, outfit the Frontier & Pursuit with rods, tackle boxes, coolers, etc. if available. Work with the Dealer to make the NuCanoe display the best.
  • Meet the Dealers’ staff and build a relationship…we want Dealers to know Team NuCanoe is here for them. Meet their staff, tell them about yourself, and get them excited about NuCanoe!
  • Be proactive…initiate conversations, ask questions, and draw people in.
  • Share pictures and videos….if possible, have some videos and pictures available on your phone or tablet. They could be your own, or some of our content.  When applicable, you can show these to people to answer questions and build interest
  • Be familiar with basic specs and capabilities…most of this info can come straight from the NuCanoe catalog brochure or product list
  • It’s OK not to know…random questions will always come up that you don’t know the answer to. No problem!  Just refer them to the Dealer, our website, or have them contact us via email or phone.
  • Post pics to social media…tag NuCanoe and the NuCanoe Dealer.
  • Have a price list handy…answer pricing questions when asked, but you don’t need to bring it up on your own.
  • Know the Dealers’ show specials….many Dealer will have show specials, find out what they are and share them with customers who are asking about pricing.
  • Hand off customers to the Dealer to make the sale….your role is to create interest, when someone is serious about buying, hand them off to the Dealer to finalize the deal.
  • Write down and share ideas…for product development, marketing, future shows, and events. Anything you think of that can be an improvement, we want to hear it!
  • Share your successes…Let’s learn from each other! Post on the Team NU page after events and share your successes and what you learned.