2014 Upright Frontier 12 Duck Blind
The new 2014 Upright Frontier 12 Duck Blind is now available. See all the details and images at http://blog.nucanoe.com/2013/11/2014-frontier-12-upright-duck-blind.html
The new 2014 Upright Frontier 12 Duck Blind is now available. See all the details and images at http://blog.nucanoe.com/2013/11/2014-frontier-12-upright-duck-blind.html
It took me more than 6 months to take the plunge (figuratively, not literally) and become a Frontier owner. Here's my story.... My first kayak experience was in a much different kayak. One that I thought would be extra stable, and impossible to tip over. Well, not only did I flip it over, it was [...]
For the past three weeks, I have been using a NuCanoe Frontier 12. While I cannot say that it was love at first sight, I can now say that I am in love with this boat. The manufacturer calls it a Kayak hybrid, but I am not sure what the mixture is. Maybe kayak [...]
This article was published by Fishing Tackle Retailer on 4/29/13. The original article can be found at http://www.fishingtackleretailer.com/index.php/554-tapping-into-the-kayak-fishing-market. Looks like the sport fishing industry is starting to catch on! --------------- One of the fastest growing segments of sportfishing for both saltwater and freshwater fishing is kayak fishing. Kayak fishing has been around for quite a [...]
The alarm went off at 2:00 Sunday morning to go fishing. The plan was to hit Barren River Lake in Kentucky for the SMACK (Sunday Morning Anglers of Central Kentucky) Tournament Series tournament. After a 2 hour drive and getting everything rigged up I was ready for the 6:00 launch. I started out fishing some [...]
by Chris Ogborne. Originally posted by Hardy Fly Fishing at fly.hardyfishing.com. I've always believed that there is very little that is truly ‘new' in fishing. So many new flies or methods or items of tackle are little more than variations on an established theme, with a tweak or modification that supposedly gives them the right [...]
Submitted by Anthony Larson of Coulee Region Adventures and originally posted on Outdoor Hub Being a kayak guide and outdoor writer, I am often asked about watercraft. The most asked questions are “kayak or canoe?” and “what do I use?” The answer is no surprise or secret: my craft of choice is the NuCanoe system–hands [...]
Check out this Frontier customization by NuCanoe dealer Unique Yaks in Tampa, FL:
Read the Kayak Bass Fishing Open Tournament Report by Kevin McCullough on the Team NuCanoe Blog. The KBF Open was held on Santee Cooper Lake March 14th and 15th. Santee Cooper is a famous lake ranked number 23 in the Top 100 Bass Lakes by Bassmasters. Unfortunately I was unable to figure out the lake [...]
El Cheapo is the world’s largest sheepshead fishing tournament. This year fishing kayaks were allowed to participate too. Kayak anglers were competing against the anglers in boats, and there were special prizes for Kayak Division winner. NuCanoe angler and Team NuCanoe member Arun Ramalingam won the kayak fishing division with my 8.8 pound sheepshead and [...]
Kayak fishing is catching on with anglers around the country. With the growth in the sport, kayak fishing has moved from the fringe to the mainstream of fishing. Want proof? Kayak anglers are catching state records, demonstrating once and for all that fishing out a kayak is for serious anglers. Will Ricks is a Wildlife [...]
The NuCanoe Forum is now live! Connect with NuCanoe owners, ask questions, share stories, and trade fish tales. Find it at http://www.nucanoe.com/forum.
NuCanoe & Frontier Comparison by Ken Ziomek As a member of Team NuCanoe, I frequently get questions from prospective buyers asking my opinion of the NuCanoe and various rigging options. With the arrival of the Frontier, I’ve started receiving requests to compare the two models and to comment as to whether the Frontier is worth [...]